If you want to feel healthy all year long, a high level of motivation is necessary. Not only will it help you get the most out of your workouts once you’re at the gym, but it’s what gets you there in the first place.

During those winter months motivation lags for most people. The days get colder, shorter and darker, and the last thing you want to be doing is waking up early in freezing temperatures to go for a run or hitting up the gym after a dreary day of work.

Though your motivation will naturally change over time, they key is to find what really makes you tick when it comes to fitness, since that’s how you stay on track—regardless of your energy levels that week. You have to always re-evaluate why you want to train so hard and why you want to improve. Your “why” is more important than anything.

Here are some tips to help you stay incredibly motivated to reach your fitness and sport performance goals, no matter what season it is.

1. Write down your goals

Think of a few simple goals that you can set yourself, write them down and work towards them. Be kind to yourself though and make sure your goals are achievable. Being too ambitious could get you frustrated and lead to you giving up.

2. Workout with friends or join groups

One thing that I’ve always been passionate about is the power of accountability. Go workout with your friends, or join a group of like minded individuals. It helps having others on those days where it’s particularly hard to motivate yourself.

3. Commit to a specific program

A problem that many people have is committing to multiple different programs, each with different outcomes. If you are going to meet your goals and stay motivated, then concentrate on one specific program at a time.

4. Hire a coach or personal trainer

Having a professional by your side to advise you and help you work towards your goals is the ultimate motivation. It doesn’t work for everybody, but if you think this could work for you then I definitely recommend it.

5. Keep it interesting

Like a bad movie, if it’s not interesting you’re going to eventually tune out and turn off. Be sure to vary your training, keep it fun and most importantly: keep yourself enthused and excited by what you’re doing.

6. Stay active doing something you enjoy

Exercise doesn’t always have to inside the gym. Whether you enjoy playing tennis or like to go swimming, all time spent actively will help you adopt a more wholesome and healthy lifestyle.

7. Surround yourself with positive people

Positivity fuels motivation. Have people around you that praise your hard work and share your same work ethic. Spending time around other productive individuals will help when becoming one yourself.

8. Build a rewards system for working out

Not only will you experience the internal rewards of exercising, but you can also reward yourself externally. Treat yourself to some new running shoes or purchase some new music to listen to when you exercise.

9. Schedule a regular workout time

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine”. If you can make exercising part of your daily routine then it doesn’t require any additional motivation. Find a time that works best for you and schedule a workout.

10. Work for the endorphins

Working out is so good for your body that it rewards you with endorphins every time you exercise. Learn to work out for the endorphins and losing motivation will be a think of the past.